February 2023 Tarotscope
Aries - 4 of Swords
This is a time for you to rest and gather your strength. Recently, it's been go-go-go and everybody needs a rest, even you, fiery Aries. Whether the fatigue is physical or mental, this is the time to prioritize yourself and get ready for the next thing the Universe has in store for you.
Taurus - King of Pentacles
Oooh, Taurus! I am sensing a February that feels like a "treat yourself" kind of month; but hey, you deserve it, right? This card is a reminder to be cognizant of your energy and keep it regulated. Even though you may find yourself treating yourself this month, don't forget to save a few bucks--this card also represents hitting financial milestones and saving some money never hurt!
Gemini - Knight of Pentacles
It's time to put in the work this month, Gemini. It may take some time to see the fruits of your labor, but putting in the work is the first step to getting there. Whatever your future is that you're thinking of, this month is the month to take the first step. Think of the tortoise and the hare: this month, you're the tortoise. Put in that slow and steady work this month, and you'll be on the right track to winning the race.
Cancer- Judgment (Reversed)
Things may be feeling a little rocky and unfair this month for Cancer. Take this time to step back and reflect. Are you being unkind to yourself? Are you ignoring your gut feeling? Think about all of this, acknowledge what you need to, and determine your next steps.
Leo - Queen of Cups
Okurrr, Leo! February is a month of security and stability for you. The efforts you put into an endeavor--financially, romantically, etc., are paying off this month. Remember to take precautions this month to keep that comfortability factor into the next few months. This may mean being mindful of money or it could be still gauging what you want out of the relationship(s) in your life.
Sagittarius - Ace of Swords
This month will be enlightening for you, my fiery friend. February feels like it will usher in a new way of thinking or an epiphany. You will feel like it's a breath of fresh air. Explore this idea or epiphany, see where it takes you.
Virgo - King of Wands (Reversed)
There is no need to rush this month, Virgo. I know time may feel short--how did January fly by so fast--but you have plenty of it. There is no need to be impulsive and make rash decisions. Take a deep breath, and remember, stay true to your dreams and values.
Libra - Eight of Wands (Reversed)
February seems like it may be a month of unexpected delays for Libra. You've been working towards something, only to find that this month, there is going to be a pause. This is just a hiccup, the show will go on. Use this time to really figure out how you want to move forward once this project comes off of pause.
Scorpio - The Sun
Oooh, Scorpio. This month it seems like some truths may be revealed for you. These truths will give you the clarity and closure you need to move forward. If the truth being revealed is one of your own truths, stand confident in it. This will leave you feeling more energetically vibrant and ready for your next adventure this year.
Capricorn - Two of Swords
If you are feeling torn this month or like you are stagnant, trust your gut on which way to go, Capricorn. You may need to add some balance in your life. You get a rep for being a workaholic, but you have to have balance and make time for relationships outside of work. Whatever bind your in this month, face it head-on and trust yourself.
Aquarius - Temperance (Reversed)
This month feels a little off kilter, Aquarius, no? Let's fix that. Use this month to figure out where you are being a little "extra" or stretching yourself too thin and make the needed changes. While discipline isn't what you crave, or even like, it is needed sometimes. This month may be one of those times.
Pisces - Eight of Pentacles
Are you dreaming of your future and pondering what's to come, Pisces? Well, this card is certainly going to put your mind at ease. It looks like success, however you define that, is heading your way this year. Continue your hard work and stay the path, and you will no doubt see the results you are looking for.